Wine Blogs I Love

Add Stark Insider’s “Best Wine Blogs of 2013” To Your Reading List

Fellow blogger Clinton Stark’s profile on the top 10 wine blogs of the year features so many of the writers I follow, I wanted to pass along the1WineDude recommendations. (Read: “Best Wine Blogs 2013.”) Clinton surveyed the rapidly-expanding wine blogosphere and assembled his list based on criteria including: quality of content, uniqueness, domain (wine) knowledge and the writer’s point-of-view. His selections certainly run the gamut, from famed magazine editors to wineries and everyday enthusiasts – some more snarky than others.

I never thought I’d say this, but one of my personal favorite blogs is penned by’s wine writer, Joe Roberts. (Thankfully, 1WineDude stands alone from the other site and is “safe” to visit.) I am entertained by his witty and conversational style and appreciate his no-nonsense approach to wine topics and reviews. Take, for example, his recent post Wined Down: Four Wine Traditions That Need to Die.

Of course, you also can check out some other picks in my blog roll. is a must-read for anyone planning their Napa/Sonoma itineraries thanks to its detailed scoring system for area wineries.

I see a “Wine Books I Love” post in the near future…

So, tell me, which blogs are you reading?

1WineDude image courtesy of